Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I am a volunteer now for COS, and here is their mission statement: "Our Aspirational Goals are as follows:
1. The people organize and restore representative government as defined in our written
2. Restore a culture of self-governance in America.
3. Inspire a political and spiritual awakening in America.
Our goal is to grow the grassroots to the point where they drive the political and cultural
narrative in the state. It is a big, grand picture. The goal is to change the way Americans think
about government and governance. That means we have to get big numbers to overwhelm
the opposition. If you strive for that goal, and make significant headway, passing the
resolution becomes just one of the major metrics used to demonstrate that you're on your

If this could be fitted with my emphasis on individuator/anarchist supercitizens that are the grassroots bosses running the show, the politicians would obey and and do what told to do, as self-governance returned to prominence as envisioned by the Founders.

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