Saturday, February 23, 2019

Turned A Corner?

Here in Minnesota Senator Paul Gazelka, the Republican Majority Leader in the Minnesota Senate, finally caved to pressure from MGR and promised that his caucus would kill red flags legislation and universal background checks when those bills hit the Senate floor from the House, if they make it that far.

I wrote to the NRA about their attacks on MGR, their endorsing anti-gun sponsoring, their willing to compromise on gun rights, and their alliance with, tolerance for, and covering for anti-gun voting RINOS that talk gun rights but then so willingly cut deals to deny us our gun rights by gun-grabbing metro-lefites in the Twin Cities.

Here is an email that I just sent the NRA: "Today, 2/23/19, the rally at the Minnesota State Capitol by the NRA and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus announced full Republican State Senator opposition to red flag legislation and universal background check bills.

It took Minnesota Gun Rights and its North Star no compromise on gun rights to get us here. At the last minute, due to our pressure, the NRA and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and the Republican Party are on board, finally.

Going forward, I want to see the NRA compromise on NO loss of 2A rights anywhere at any time, like MGR insists upon. I want no more quarreling between gun rights organizations. When MGR has a rally or takes a stand, I want Republicans, conservative Democrats, the NRA and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and legislators with them in public, in solidarity, and on videos and television. There is too much at stake for infighting among gun rights groups.

I wantn Chris Cox to set  up a rally one Saturday in March at the Capitol in St. Paul to rally all these gun rights groups and supporters together to stop red flag and universal background checks. I want Chris on those steps demanding that Minnesota legislators in both Houses every session, whether in the majority or minority to kill all gun control legislation, and be actively holding hearings and getting pro-gun bills voted on ever session--things like constitutional carry and stand your ground bills. If the NRA leads these organizations and cooperates with MGR rather than denouncing and smearing the honorable and courageous Dorrs that have done more than anyone to protect gun rights  in the upper Midwest, I will remain a faithful NRA member and supporter. Ed Ramsey, Bloomington Mn.

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