Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bill Maher

Bill recently bashed Middle Americans as less affluent and less educated than us and wish they were us (privileged Hollywood elites and Leftists).

Bill is correct in a way: people are born wicked, insecure and filled with self-loathing. They are also born equal; but they crave a society that is unequal, a stratified society with the masses poorer, less educated and directed by smug self-satisfied elitists from above. These elitists actually believe that they are a superior race to those they spurn, subjugate, brainwash, command, supervise, exploit, oppress and mock.

The middle class is not inferior to Hollywood actors because being equal is a natural right, just as the instinctive temptation to amass power over others, justified on a baseless claim of natural inequality--that the few rulers are superior and the many ruled are inferior. Inequality is a vitiating social construct devised, maintained by the elite that foist it off on adoring, submissive, credulous masses that know their place and accept their fate.

This is why Mavellonialism will help: a middle class of supermen and superwomen, roughly equal in education, talent, intelligence, wealth, liberty and accomplishment, cannot every be captured or held down by elites of any kind for any amount of time. They demand liberty or death and and armed and willing to fight to get and keep their liberty.

They would instruct Maher to go pound sand. A future society of supercitizens, individuating/anarchists enjoying their natural rights, with most power at the canton or state level, but living under a thin but strong federal umbrella codified legally and structurally as a constitutional republic, is the only permanent solution to inequality and the sickening, tempting human need to find some sense of self worth temporarily by ruling others, reinstituting caste society and bragging about what inequality among superior and inferior races of humans necessarily leads to elites having all the wealth and power while ruling the poor and disenfranchised.

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