Saturday, February 9, 2019

Sources Of Evil That Influence the Educated To Misbehave

Education is no guarantee of moral goodness, and the educated traditionally have been part of ruling classes all over the world. Intellectuals faithfully serve, justified and propped up and do prop up mercantilist kings, divine rights kings, the pope, aristocracies, oligarchs, empires and democracies a long as they were employed by, acknowledge and respect by the rulers of the status quo.

They act as if and do accept that they are superior to those they rule. They enjoy pushing around and interfering in the lives of the little people under their thumb. They do not think average people are smart enough to run their own affairs and make wise choices. They need directives from their educated rulers that are wise, superior, smarter, expert and beyond making poor choices, beyond reproof or criticism. These intellectuals in charge are all good, all smart and always right.

They give the orders and run things, and the people need to know their place. These elite intellectuals crave insider status, recognition, adulation from the ruled, and appreciation from their ruler or rulers. They beam with a pat on the head from the king and being offered a crumb of power to wield over the citizens.

Liberty, equality and justice for the people are what they dismiss and downgrade out of hand. They have all the answers and useful policies which they then practice upon the people, in need of correction and teaching, no matter how draconian, failed or disastrous these policies prove to be when put into practice.

Now there is true pride and false pride.The false pride of the educated, rooted in their bottomless sense of failure compensated for by feeling invincible and infallible, renders them so arrogant and self-congratulating that their divorce from self-honesty is real, total and final. No criticism, reasonable argumentation, appeal to decency and fair play, or facts presented can shake them from their certain beliefs and conviction of perfection.

By contrast, the people, not being such narrow, narcissistic, subjective bureaucrats, are more rounded, worldly, objective and experienced. They know what justly to be proud of, and what to be ashamed of. They may not enjoy criticism, but they accept it and learn from it, Their are secure relatively, in their stronger self-love, and use enough right reasoning to find the right answers, practical solutions, and usually to engage in fair play, celebrating the dignity of others, their equals. They can learn from and correct each other without denial or fierce resentment. They live and let live, not seeking to give orders and rule their neighbors.

Where people are ruled without their consent, the wielder of authoritarian power automatically and psychologically is thrust into the world view both irrational and immoderate. For under natural law, that the Creator set in place to operate the universe, and keep the cosmos humming along, it is a rational and moderate power distribution, more or less to be shared equally among individuals in society doing their thing, raising their kids, and making a living as they choose to, exercising their liberty.

The despot or his intellectual agents scattered through out the government hierarchies, ruling the people without their approval, by threats, fines and punishments. Were the people free and volunteering to be ruled by their elected officials, then reason and persuasion could be addressed to them, and then a majority of them or their representatives would elect a sound public policy--ideally.

The educated, as middle echelon members of the elite, should be in hog heaven. But their conformist lifestyle and compliance to the whims of their betters does breed in them an existential self-loathing that no amount of alcohol they drink, or drugs that they take, or lies of comfort that they rationalize to themselves, They know, on some level, that they are owned, controlled and supervised. They are but fragments of what an individuating anarchist is. This shame, this acceptance of their real inadequacy as fragmented egos renders them despicable, defeated creatures, and their self-loathing is a powerful, real phenomenon. When they unite as an entity of self-deniers, great evil can spring from all this hating, and the people of the land are in great peril.

In a constitutional republic, where people are sovereign, it is unconstitutional and illegal for Presidents, legislators, bureaucrats; lobbyists and judges to cater and to legislate and to regulate for the sake of preferred special interests, ignoring the will of the people.

As we return to constitutional republicanism, we will reposition the Constitution in its rightful high place as the framework for reestablishing the basic rights of the citizens and to reenact limited government in which checks and balances are in place and honored once again.

Where the people enjoy liberty and their unalienable rights once again, their high self-esteem  will keep government small, powerful, federal, efficient, honest, just and fair. The virtuous and yet activistic citizens will guarantee liberty for all, and their self-esteem will be high as a result and justly so. When citizens free and prosperous, feel secure, they allow their neighbors to do their own thing without senseless interference.

The educated within the ruling class, and all other members of that elite, are fanatics or addicted to accruing undeserved power unto themselves. If one can picture each citizen with 2 units of power allotted to them by the Almighty, to enjoy and employ as they wish in a realm of ordered freedom to wield their power as they wish while going after the ends that interest, reward or please them.

The elite enslave the masses and rob them of their units of power that they are entitled by their Maker under natural rights to enjoy and experiment with, on their way to maverizing as living angels and supercitizens. When this power is taken and centralized under the authority of a despot and his educated servants administering his will, a despotic, corrupt, wicked polity must necessarily be the outcome. The tyranny that professors have erected on campuses across America, not divested of independent thought and diversity of opinion, is symptomatic of a totalitarian mindset, one that the educated easily fall prey to.

Professors, now broken, meek, subjugated if talented educational bureaucrats live a life that is soul-killing. But they are so vested in this weak way of life that they are convinced of its worth and plot to Europeanize all of America into a statist monster with hierarchies across the land, a voracious octopus with tentacles in every private life.

These intellectuals adore Leftist views: open borders, strict control of the economy for reasons of environmental extremism, global citizenship over national sovereignty, and a hail-the-well-met shout out to and cordial enjoyment of globetrotting elites everywhere that push for Big Brother Government in charge in Brussels, Geneva, Washington and New York.

There are 5 streams of evil (at least) flowing through the world from Lucifer. All have been discussed above. They are: group-living, immoderation, low self-esteem expressed socially as selfless belonging to a pack, power lust (the urge to control neighbors in need of being left alone to run their own affairs) and working to maintain and support a caste system of any kind that ranks people at various levels of interlocking hierarchies, all comprising the State that is spread over and rules all society down to the minutest detail.

These streams of evil come together in the heart and psyces of the educated that serve the ruling class. They provide cover for and eloquent speech that justify the inherently unjust reality of their superiors, the despot or despots that rule over society.

The people so educated and so ruling are thoroughly corruptible as they willingly defend and work to extend, like the weasel bureaucrats and officials that they are, the reach and pressure that the state brings down upon the heads of the people, in service to the totalitarian regime or mass movement that they have pledged loyalty to.

What is good in politics and law and government is ultimately moderate, and distribution of power among individuated supercitizens and by checks and balances at work and is kept up.

What is wicked in politics, law and government are extreme in ideology (leading to gridlock, mob rule, one party dictatorships of majority dominance), there the distribution is amassed in the hands of the ruling few, while the many are deprived of power, life, liberty, happiness and property,

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