Sunday, February 10, 2019

Ben Dorr

Ben Dorr is a young conservative of principle and fiery rhetoric that leads Minnesota Gun Rights; they are a very underfunded but efficient, powerful grassroots organization good at firing up the base and activating them.

As a member of MGR, I am proud of them for being effective. As a constitutional republican and constitutional conservative, restoring the republic is part of the MAGA project. If outfits like MGR, AFSCME, teachers' unions, and COS/Action and the NRA have grassroots organization strength and expertise to rally citizens to be active, get involved and lobby, this is the key to turning public opinion, public support and boots on the ground to turn this country around. At some point these outfits need to work together to form a coalition--within the Republican Party where they can, and parallel to it where they cannot--to save America from the coming tyranny and socialism being hurled at us by Progressives to quash us, and remake America in the image of Cuba.

I love MGR, though I likely am too radical and startling even for them. But I give money and time to them for the great work they do--no compromise lobbying to protect gun rights of Minnesotans--an uphill battle for sure.

I also have an ulterior motive for  joining them. It is not a sinister motive, but it is a offhanded sort of compliment. In life, we succeed by studying those that are better at what they do than we are. We must acknowledge and compliment their brilliance, identify how they got successful, and then share those principles with others trying to be successful at similar ventures.

My ulterior motive is to discover the principles (some doctorate in politics likely has already codified how to run active, grassroots campaigns to change public policy to where the advocate wants it to head) of citizen involvement that could be learned and utilized by citizen-soldiers and maverizing supercitizens in the years and decades ahead, to allow citizens in a restored constitutional republic to get control of the government at all levels, and keep control of it for decades at all levels, so that a principled, united majority of citizens--still respecting minority rights--can prevent Progressivism from ever again destroying or almost destroying beloved America.

To that end, I have been observing what the fine Dorr brothers have been doing for gun rights in at least three states, and would like to compliment and identify their expertise at building grassroots gun advocacy.

The MGR slogan or meme is that MGR is the no-compromise gun rights lobby in Minnesota, a deserved swipe at my beloved NRA and the toady cover-politicians-booties organizing (Minnesota Gun Rights Caucus). The Dorrs and MGR explicitly or intuitively grasp that owning guns as private citizens is a constitutional right and a natural right that tolerates very little legal regulation before the right to bear arms is infringed on to the point of being infringed enough to background check, register all firearms and then confiscate them. Without guns to protect our Bill of Rights civil liberties and our other unalienable rights, Progressives and the Left, under the guise of common sense, workable safety solutions, and compassion (ending violence in the world), all other rights will be lost, and liberty will be stripped from American citizens as the Democrats construct their one-party dictatorship. People have a natural right to defend themselves and their liberty, and even a divinely commanded duty to take up arms to oppose tyrants attacking the people. Compromise on less important issues or regarding peripheral harmless controversies is honorable and acceptable, but compromising on gun rights is a surrender legally of what should never be compromise or surrendered, and that is exactly in Minnesota what the NRA and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus has compromised (confiscation a step at a time, or open repeal of the 2A). The latter two organizations are endorsing and not punishing Reagan and rural Democrats and RINO Republican candidates that allow incremental gun control.

Principle 1 practiced by the Dorrs: we do not compromise on constitutional rights that lead to liberty and growth of authoritarian central government eager to pass laws depriving the people of their freedom, their private lives and their enjoyment of their natural rights which are gifts from God.

Principle 2, practiced by the Dorrs at MGR. If a few committed professional lobbyists, like they are, believe what they believe, practice what they practice and take the hits and character smearing from the Left, from the NRA, from RINOS and from Democrats, they can make a huge contribution, and win over the public over time. As Ben notes on Facebook, it is not bad thing to be hated by your enemies and loved by your friends.

The Doors are hated by the Establishment and gun-grabbers because they do not play nice, and be respectful to politicians. The NRA is nice now and the other "nice" team players are loved by the media while all from all parties vote to give away our gun rights.

Principle 3, inferred within their no-compromise approach. When we are ordered to hand over our guns during confiscation to the police, the federal police or the federal army enforcing the confiscation, millions of us will refuse, respond that they can go pound sand, and then take up arms against the government that we so love, that has lost its way, and forced patriots, against the wall, to resort to such drastic measures. It well could occur.

Principle 4: Read this February, 2019 Facebook posting by Ben: NOT IN MINNESOTA!
The DFL goes to war for their base, as they always do. And weak and feckless GOP "leaders" like Paul Gazelka and Kurt Daudt go to war for themselves. Mr. Rogers (Gazelka) couldn't care less about victory for Minnesota. If he did, he'd FIGHT for gun owners!

The Dorrs have identified what is wrong in America, not just Minnesota, and Mark Levin and Rush our worried about this same pattern: the Left whether in power or out of power are always on offense, their media, their Hollywood actors, their billionaires, the Deep State federal employees, their teachers unions, their academics, their pastors, Chamber of Commerce RINOS, their never-Trumpers and their true-believing Democratic elected officials advocating and legislating for the Socialist Ameritopia. They fight hard to advance their cause all the time, and they are completely united and speak and vote in Congress with one vote. This is not principled unity. This is the unity softer and yet similar to the internal workings of a mass movement. There is not moderation, dissenting voices or a willingness to compromise. There is gridlock because these unprincipled extremists are fighting all the time, and concessions and incremental victories will never appease them They remain angry, outraged and solely focused on complete, ultimate and final victory over conservatives, capitalism, the Constitution, capitalism and the American way. All must be wiped out and pushed aside for their aim--to build their nightmarish Marxist utopia in America. Their aim is totalitarian and their means are thuggish and unrelenting. We must defeat them, not surrender to them, and we have been giving ground to them for 100 years, which is why we are in the dangerous mess. The Left moves as a gigantic Leviathan monster and it wields terrible power: they sense that the people, the Right and conservatives are weak, divided, afraid and on the defensive. Their final push in the next ten years will show if they take over the government and the entire society or not; they may already be unstoppable as they usher in a Dark Age that Americans have never experienced, or considered remotely possible. Lefists are addicted to totalitarian power and ways and they are cunning and shrewd at working together to bring this hellish system to America.

Ben Dorr in his entry blasts weak, feckless Republicans. They are tepid, timid, corruptible, lip-service compromisers willing to give away gun rights an inch at a time while brandishing their NRA endorsements that the NRA signed off on giving away our gun rights. In two years the Democrats will be back to register all guns, and then confiscate them. That is their true objective, their only goal and all other reassurances from them are lies to quiet the public until it is state and federal law that the citizens are disarmed, unable to fight back against the coming socialist dictatorship, pogroms against whites and Christians, rogue independent federal prosecutors and state police sent after dissenters. The Dorrs are yelling at Minnesotans to wake up and conservatives and unite now and fight back and fight hard (nonviolently and legally) against Democrats, gun-grabbers and nasty Leftists. Every Republican politician and many conservative Democrat politicians, on every level of government should oppose all gun-grabbing legislation. And they should be introducing in every legislative session, whether in or out of power, gun rights bills like constitutional carry and stand your ground legislation.

Principle 4: Constitutional conservatives, and their political candidates and Representatives should fight hard all the time, speak with one voice and compete to win in the court of public opinion, reaching voters even in California and Illinois to build back a conservative majority in this country.

Principle 5: We are all born frail, corruptible sinners. So, concentrated power, sooner or later, will corrupt its wielder, and this universal law applies to every politician, lobbyist and politician that ever lived, and this is why term limits for legislators, judges and Presidents is a good policy, No matter how idealistic, virtuous, honest and nobly intentioned is the young politician (and many are lying faithless hypocrites from the get-go) is, the system will run him out or convert him to joining the rotten establishment. Politicians hate their constituents. They regard them with contempt. They tell them what they want to hear, and cannot wait to get back to the swamp to start cutting deals with lobbyists and other insider cronies as big business and big government conspire against the voters and middle class. With this in mind, voters must become supercitizens, so smart, so involved, so alert as to what is going on and how to run the system to get what is required for the common good, that they assume that their fawning, lying, treacherous, larcenous, bribe-inviting, power-hungry politicians--now a part of the ruling class in Washington--are betraying great American political traditions--the Constitution, individual civil liberties, gun rights, individual liberty, the rule of law, limited government and government staying out of the capitalist economy and the civil society, allowing the citizens to run their lives, free of any excessive government involvement, control or over-taxation. There are no guarantees in life, but I would stake my life and my reputation as a thinker upon the optimistic hope that a realistic but idealistic electorate, skeptical but principled, can straighten out this Statist mess and keep it straightened out, by leashing every elected politician and bureaucrat in the country permanently so they follow the sovereign will of the people. It matters not if politicians are honest or keep their promises: their bosses, the people, will be running things and these lackeys will have to do as they are told or not be reelected, or be fired from Civil Service.

Here is Ben's 2/5/19 Facebook: this quote is from something called #mnleg--"If a legislator blames every bad thing on the Governor or the opposite chamber, you're being lied to by that politician." He is suggesting that the weak and RINO Republicans in the Minnesota Senate are able to stop gun control bills from advancing into law in Minnesota in 2019 if they just say no and stick together. They should be advancing Constitutional Carry at the same time. Whining that they are helpless to withstand those scary DFLers does not pass the smell test. Each of us take a principled stand right now and every time to withstand gun-grabbing by hostile Big-Government fascists.

Principle 6: We must fight the good fight on the local level, but also coordinate with other states and fight the united battle against federal politicians out to grab guns too: Ben quotes from Trump's SOTU that we want not just victory for our Party, but we want the whole country to win.

Principle 7: A bought, corrupted politician that has already been in Washington tor St. Paul too long is already transformed into a swamp creature of the ruling class: this educated member of that class looks down on the people, works to pass laws that are contrary to the public good and the longevity, health and sway of the constitutional republic. He is not there to represent the people. He is there to represent his cronies, his bribing lobbyists, his special interest and to grow tyranny Deep State, for the ruling class lives off of the people, that are meant to serve the ruling class, to pay taxes to fund the ruling class, to obey the ruling class, and to be regulated, directed, oppressed by, enslaved by and exploited by the ruling class. These are the objectives of a career politician in St. Paul or in Washington, and that is the truth, no matter their disclaimers or fork-tongued promises not kept.

Ben has another Facebook entry: "There is nothing quite so arrogant as politicians who think gun owners should reward them for doing nothing! #mnleg#NoParticipation Trophy

Politicians feel that it is their job to give us orders, not take orders from the people.

There are other principles that animate an effective citizens' lobbying entity like MGR, but they are ot known by me. If the Tea Party, MGR and COS/Action and the NRA would or do operate on these 7 principles like MGR does, then conservative and Republican advocacy groups would be much more effective and powerful in shaping the national debate.

Please read more at:

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