Friday, June 13, 2014

Not Born Classy

We all crave to belong to the herd. We will do anything, put up with anything, to get there and be kept there. We are terrified that the group will discard us, leave us out in the lonely cold, on our own, by ourselves.

To prevent this ejection, we pay an enormous price. We sell out the self and turn away from beckoning God to serve the group and worship the Devil that owns and heads all groups.

Once we have been bought and sold, we usually live out our lives that way. We are assigned a class ranking by society, and pretty much stay within our caste assignation.

Being the lazy, pleasure-seeking, work-avoiding, compliant fatalists that believe and obey what officials ruling us tell us, we easily succumb to accepting our role where we land in stratified society, living within our allotted ranks in the various institutions influencing us, living and dying in interlocking groups. This mean, mean-spirited, depressing and stunted lifestyle is what we refer as fit for winners and joiners. We become verbally adept at mass deception of acquaintances and ourselves.

Do you want to be classy? Be an individuator and do individuation, but fine tune your courteous manners and ethical code along the way. Then your comportment will reveal your classy assumed nature, and the world will enjoy interacting with you.

Roots are not destiny. The willingness to maverize is.

How we are handled and raised is crucial for 94% of us will not maverize unless awakened, broken and trained to love living and doing.

The only class ranking that brings us classy peers to enjoy hanging out with is the middle class.

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