Friday, January 9, 2015

Exodus, Chapter 17

The Bible is a remarkable holy book because it it filled with truth, often hard, harsh and unpleasant, In this amazing Chapter God reveals that we are basically evil. Even His Chosen People are sinners. God saved them from Pharaoh, parted the Red Sea, sent Moses to liberate them and provide them with mana and water when they were parched and hungry.

Ungrateful, disbelieving in divine guidance and ready to stone Moses whom they are quarreling with, Yahweh still does not give up on them, and patiently guides them to the Promised Land.

We too are sinners, so born and bred. We quarrel with God and De's prophets. We are selfish, petulant, ungrateful and unworthy. Oh well, God and the Good Spirits will still be there for us, and ready to love us, to forgive us and to guide us to the Promised Land. Stumbling, bumbling, with a nuclear war or two thrown in for good measure, we will snarl and lurch forward--we may yet make it to the finish line.

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