Thursday, January 8, 2015

How Should We Proceed About Race Relations?

My dear cousin from California on Facebook is running a race/identity survey for people to take for some college friends doing some kind of research. I declined to take the survey, because the study of racial identity is distracting for people. Race-identity surveys intentionally are contrived by professorial manipulators on the Left to keep us thinking about each other and ourselves, first, foremost and solely as members of racial groups.

Race and ethnic elements in our lives are significant and powerful stressors and sources of influence in how we think about ourselves and each other.

But I am deliberately seeking to nudge the public to think about themselves as individuals first, and group-members second.

I am pushing people to live as self-actualizing individuals first, and then to live as nonindividuating and non-self-actualizing group-members as a secondary and reduced emphases in their lives. This is how I feel that humans are meant to live to have a better future.

Here is what I wrote to Patti:

I decline, not because psychological appraisals are not informative and scientifically useful, but because we need a frank, honest, helpful dialogue on race relations in America, and no one but me knows how to run the dialogue.

Our personal race and ethnic heritage is our unique gift from God and is a blessing to all. What needs happening is for all persons, of any color, to self-realize and develop those singular God-given talents. My argument recommends that the personal journey of self-discovery through honing one's unique talents is the best, most productive way to express one's racial heritage.

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