Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Slaughter In Paris

1-7-2015: Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are basic human rights, as are the right to criticize any deity, any prophet--including me--so when radical Islamists today murdered 12 media persons and cops in Paris, they were out to deny these freedoms, and to intimidate and silence all thought and speech critical of radical Islam. They seek to crush and dispirit all critics.

The Israelis do not let these sickos and killers shut them down. We need a holy war against radical Islam. France, the European nations and America should immediately outlaw shariah law. We should go to war with ISIS and exterminate them. We should prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. We should invade Palestine, disarm its killers, pacify the Palestinians territories in perpetual martial law.

Islam, unreformed, is an evil, violent, intolerant, barbaric, savage, backwards, medieval faith. They cannot modernize so we should use force to contain them until their grandchildren progress and become civilized, if ever.

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