Thursday, January 8, 2015

Support Freedom Of Speech

The French paper probably did mock Mohammed. Perhaps Allah was blasphemed. I am not in favor of denigrating anyone's deity or prophet, but freedom of speech trumps all.

This is the theological and moral base line for all benevolent deities. They want their human followers and non-followers to be respectful, loving, a little fearful, and to use words carefully.

But they want the allegiance of their followers to be voluntary, otherwise the religious connection between deity and supplicant is as mechanical as the relationship between puppet-master and the puppet dangling by his control strings.

God yearns for our allegiance and love, but only if it is freely shared by humans, no strings attached. Of course this life and after life rewards and punishments will be forthcoming for voluntary actions, words and deeds opted for, but that is how it is.

God is a republican, not a totalitarian. Therefore, freedom of speech, movement and general liberty are highly prized.

In light of this, if the imam takes offense, and sends terrorists killers to butcher secular non-believers and infidels that disrespect the faith, its prophets and deities, then the imam and the faith are from Satan and Lera, not aligned with the Father and the Mother.

Accordingly, the good soldiers of God should wipe out the unholy war warriors.

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