Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ban Shariah Law Officially

United States, France, Germany, Britain and all countries in the Western Hemisphere, or whoever else is interested, should outlaw shariah law. Let resident Muslim population enjoy their customs, moral and religious conditions, but not as legally binding on any citizen of the nation in question. What must be fundamentally demanded and imposed on Muslim population everywhere is the separation of church and state.

Moderation is the legal and moral principle that bifurcation of power bases, the decentralizing of powers into separate, competing entities, is good for society. Where there is no monopoly on power, the competing power bases serve as a series of checks and balances on other another.

This is why Obama must be arrested, convicted and imprisoned for crimes against the state. He is growing the imperial Presidency into one-man rule. That utter centralization of power into the Executive Branch is fanatical centralization of power in the hands of this despot, and that is the embodiment of evil.

This is why I urge all citizens to grow into being supercitizens and individuators, favoring lawful anarchism under a federal umbrella, laid out as a constitutional republic. Voters as supercitizens, negatively regarded, are canceling out each other's natural craving to gathert all power to themselves, robbing it from other citizens. Each for himself against all others schemes to imprison all others under his control. That is the natural power lust beaming up out of the fiendish heart of every person on earth. In Muslims cities, where mob rule and the mullah combine theological statutes and political law in the hands of one cruel, zealous judge, injustice and power abuse are inevitable.

To live the moderate life is the legal, spiritual and moral ideal. By decentralizing power bases into the hands of anarchist individuators, practicing individuation and living out their lives on the local stage is the positive use of decetralized power. This is what most pleases the Mother and the Father, and I was sent to people to help get this done.

The separation of church and state is one of the greatest American political gifts to Americans and all humankind. We do not need to excruciate ourselves, searching to prove that this is Constitutionally sanctioned--it probably is--but the moderate use of political power, what is a good for the people, is keeping an independent state apparatus as a slightly secular entity to prevent vitiating  centralization of power. When the priest and the judge are one man, the afflicted members of society should quake in their boots.

God is a moderate. God wants us to be good. God loves the doctrine of the separation of church and state. God is not against the followers of Allah enjoying their traditions, but theologically based statues cannot and must not any longer be the law of any land, let alone municipalities in the south of France, or in Ferguson, Missouri.

Jesus, Buddha, Allah are all good deities, but when the followers centralize ecclesiastical and legal power in the hands of one totalitarian magistrate, the respective good faith has been hijacked by Satan and Lera. Centralization of power is their home field advantage, and we often give them all that they could hope for in the name of Allah or Jesus.

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