Friday, November 28, 2014

Cameron Is For Tightening Immigration

We too should be tightening immigration, both legal and illegal. We need to secure the borders, deport those that are here illegally, clean up those that have overstayed their visas, e-verify everyone, national id cards for voting, fine employers that knowingly hire illegal workers. If they need a skilled work by green carding, okay, but no workers and students overstaying their visas. The system is not broken, it is not enforced. No changes, just enforce what we have.

We need to fire Obama, secure the borders, reestablish our constitutional republic, run on conservative, traditional values. We need to restore, protect, secure the American Way. Then and only then do we allow metered immigration that we allow and that we need, that which suits our needs, not the needs of foreigners.

When immigrants legally come here, they are to learn English, period--no federal bilingual programs. We inform legal immigrants that they assimilate culturally and biologically with our people--we will not tolerate barrios, pockets of refusal to assimilate into the American Way. Be American or be gone, or never arrive.

Once we have survived Obamaism and the virulent programs of the Left, then we can loosen up a bit, but we must fight to rebuild what they have destroyed.

Once we restore the American Way, we export it to the world to save as many people at home there as we can, and as are willing to allow us to aid them.

Strict immigration limits would be the place to start.

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