Friday, November 21, 2014

It Is What You Do More Than What You Say

It is what you do more than what you say that reveals what kind of person that you really are. What I am going to write about here may seem like I am tooting my own horn, and, that may be the case a little, but I do it to make a point about egoism.

The individual can only extrapolate from his own experience, feelings and responses from which to test ideas about people and how the world works. We are live in our own subjective reality, but objective reality out there exists, and empirically, we can generalize moral laws applicable to all, based on similar experiences felt by many different people in identical situations.

I drive a courier van second shift. My boy and I were going to hang the Christmas lights this morning. We do a big show, not huge, but nice. It is fun, splashy and refutes the winter darkness.

The wind chill was 7 degrees below this morning, so my hands do not now take the cold very well, and bare hands are needed to do the wiring outside. We will try again tomorrow.

At 1045 am, I was taking a nap in the basement before work, and my boy announced that the neighbor was at the door. He is 83 years old, with a dead battery in his Honda, and he wanted a ride up to Batteries Plus to get a new battery.

I looked at him, and responded, "Let me get my coat." We went and got the battery and he is going to put it in this afternoon.

I have always had a kind heart. I would risk my life in a minute to defend a woman being raped, or someone being robbed. If  I could afford to, I go for two years to fight for the Kurds to kill ISIS Isalmo-Nazis.

My ethical system is egoism, especially lived as a God-guided, God-driven lifelong pursuit of personal excellence and artistic development. One cannot self-actualize, especially with the watching divinities in mind, without, without being or becoming a good person morally and spiritually.

A person with a good heart will do random acts of kindness.

Altruists talk compassion but group-living stunts personal growth. An undeveloped human is an unhappy human. An unhappy human's  is brewing constantly in the broth of self-loathing. That joiner consistently is more capable of cruelty and selfishness that an egoist is.

Of course these are generalizations, and each human is unique, but if you want kind people, look to the individualists, less so the groupists.

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