Saturday, November 22, 2014

Obama, The Man For Black Youths To Look Up To

 I just wanted to praise Barak for serving as a sterling role model for young black men and women.

1. Here is a lawless President that ignores laws that he does not like. He makes up laws that he favors. Now young inner city kids can ignore existing laws and make up their own, a whole list of criminal behavior. Why not if the most powerful man in the world is lawless, can rise to the top, and gets away with it, why should the youth not do a little gang=banging?

2. He came out of the Chicago way: lying, cheating, wasting taxpayers money on expensive junkets, getting paid without doing any work, stealing wealth from the producers and giving it to the parasites. Kids might as well burgle and rob, go on welfare, taking from producers and spending it on themselves. If he can do it, why can they not do it?

3. He hates whites and the American Way. He intends to destroy them and  it, and is rather successful at this venture. Black youths might as well feel disenfranchised and indulge in reverse racism. They can partition themselves off from the main culture and riot and rob if they can get away with it. If he is into tearing down America, they might as well follow his lead.

4. In Ferguson and elsewhere, with no evidence whatsoever, he has maligned the police, and made minority communities less safe and governable, because the thin blue line is not there to protect and serve, but oppress and keep down. If he hates the police, why should they not hate the police?

5. To gain power, he and Holder have fanned the flames of racial hatred and mistrust. If he goes after whitey, why should not the youths be at war with them too.

6. With his Marxist ambitions, he will turn the nation into a nanny state with little liberty. Might as well encourage the kids to live in ghettos everywhere, and never be free of the nanny state. This nightmare is the vision that Obama spreads for the whole nation.

7. Dear God deliver us from the punk-in-chief imperiling our nation.

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