Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day Of Infamy

Liberty versus tyranny. That is the political battle being waged right now in this country, acording to Mark Levin.

King Obama is the tyrant, and 11-20-2014 is November, 1775. How did it come to pass that we prefer tyranny. Why are not  50 million of us marching next week on Washington, insisting that the Attorney General arrest the lawbreaking tyrant in the White House?

The Democratic Party and the New York Times applaud the sick, malevolent actions of this fascist. How corrupt are they, not to join Republican Senators to defund, impeach and prosecute this evil monster in the White House?

Liberty is not frill. It is no superfluity. The Constitution is no outdated, frumpish document to be dismissively tossed aside by Marxist fanatics. Without liberty a free people cannot breathe, let alone individuate. Without liberty we cannot do God's work. Those that embrace tyranny are following a dark, sinister power. Growing an all-powerful, centralized government to live under will not end well for any of us.

The choice is clear. Conservatives are the good guys that prefer liberty. Liberals are the bad guys that celebrate tyranny, surrendering their constitutional and civil rights voluntarily to be grabbed by this unimpressive, empty-suit professor not worthy to be seated at the head of government in our sacrosanct Oval Office.

I have nothing but contempt and disdain for those who embrace this hack, be they progressives, Jeb Bush Republicans or squishy-minded independents.

At the end of the day, you are all the same: soulless wimps that allow a loud-mouth nobody in the White House to rob you of your liberty, to flood the country with millions and millions of illegal aliens, all groomed and poised to vote Democrat for the next hundred years, in exchange for government direction and goodies.

Mr. and Mrs. America, why have you sunk so low and settled for so little? You are a shadow of your forefathers, a compliant mob waiting for orders from Papa Barry. Barack Obama is a pathetic outlaw and prevaricating loser. This is who you put into office twice, and this is whom you are willing to back?

Have you no pride? Have you no shame? Liberty is the political gift from God that guided our Founding Fathers. Liberty is the divine blessing that accompanies the rising up and arrival of  a free people living and excelling under our Constitutional Republic.

You are a political receiver of the greatest political system that the world has ever known. This exceptional system is close to extinction. Obama is its Presiding Murderer, and you are the low-life, scumbag public that whimpered and sighed on the sidelines, and did not rise up, invade Washington, and stop the evil machinations of this overreaching puns as he richly deserve. That is what virile, fearless, engaged, in-charge supercitizens would do.

A patriot loves liberty, and slaps down hard any fascist out to rob the individual of his liberty. It cannot be tolerated. It will not be tolerated. God help us all when he goes to far, issuing executive order to confiscate our guns.

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