Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Time Is Passing

Your life is passing by quickly. Choose wisely, and use the little time that God has given you, to the greatest advantage. Life is a gift from and on loan from God, and we never know when the loan will be called in.

Individuate right now, this minute. Develop your potential as much as you can, with what talent and means at your command, for as many days or hours as you have left. In God's eyes, the life of self-actualization is that gift of love, that existential offering from you to God, is the greatest gift that you can return to the Mother and the Father. They much appreciate it, and you will be rewarded for your faith and effort.

Waste no time on regrets or hesitation. Make amends for your past sins, and go and sin as little as possible. Time is passing. Use every precious minute, well.

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