Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Appalling Lack Of Outrage

First, Obama makes law, breaking the law to issue kingly decrees granting some kind of legal status to illegal aliens, lawbreakers.

Then he breaks the law again, or soon will, to expand the power of the 1970 Clean Air Act through the EPA to regulate all types of businesses and industries on subjects from air pollution, to soot, to smog, to mercury and CO2. This reported by the New York Times today, 11-27-2014.

The Left is ecstatic. Here is a Marxist dictator violating the Constitution, using illegal, immoral means to reshape and shut down a capitalist economy and vastly increase the power of federal regulators to mess in the private realm.

Remember God's rule about moral moderation: When an ideologue and demagogue resorts to government coercion to force compliance with an unsound, overreaching law in the name of protecting the environment, he has sinned grievously. His wicked, involuntary, fanatical means of implementing reform by force will, in the long run, do little to curb pollution, but will move us further away from constitutional republicanism and that much closer, that much faster toward totalitarian socialism, where the government is running every aspect of our lives.

Bad or coercive reform methods perverts the reform. The violent means to the good end, makes the whole thing extreme and wicked. The power of government centralization is further amassed. The power of Satan grows. The federal agencies are further bloated as their tentacles reach out farther and ever deeper into the private sphere. The people become utterly dependent on the state. As such broken, enslaved, meek nonindividuators, crowdism is at its peak of influence.

This is the gift the Benito Obama is giving America. His goal is to inflict maximum damage on the country so that it can never recover. If he can wipe out the American Way, keep the borders open and flood the country with 75 million poor, socialist foreigners, his Ameritopian transformation of America is complete.

Not only must Republicans, conservatives, Independents and Democrats need to be scandalized by his audacious, criminal power grab, but they must move quickly and decisively to depose him. Defund his programs, impeach him, censure him, block his nominees, TeaPartyers by the millions flood Washington, arrest him and try him if possible.

This wicked outlaw must be stopped before it is too late.

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