Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Defintion Of Political Morality

The definition of political morality, as least in its broad, basic outline, are obvious, clear and concise. This definition is only made knotty by obfuscators out to justify continued, evil political behavior. Here is my definition:

The good citizen is a supercitizen, a very active, knowledgable, authoritative, assertive voter. The supercitizen is an individuator, and is a lawful anarchist. She brings this orientation to the table when discussing any political activity, or piece of legislation. She runs government, every level of it, all the time. Politicians do her bidding, period.

Her metaphysical underpinning is simple: big government allows Satan's control of this world to expand. She disallows the growth of big government. Small government, constitutionaly originated and as local as possible is the seat of God's presence, and such small, localized government is blessed.

The immoral citizen is no supercitizen. She is passive, gullible, made stupid by years of intellectual laziness and believing without doubt or research whatever lie politicians like Obama feed her. She is not involved. She does not vote. She seeks more and more free goodies from the government in exchange for not having to work or work very hard. In return for her government handouts, she is too willing to surrender the liberty God gave her to individuate. She surrenders it to politicans and bureaucrats that are cogs in the Leviathan, federal machine. The soul of this machine is Lera's soul; ergo, all are corrupted that partake of this cannibalistic demonness that devours souls with greed and relish.

The good citizen, the supercitizen, is a patriot that loves her country and fights to gain and keep liberty and freedom for all.

The bad citizen, the sluggish, compliant nonvoter, is a traitor. By growing government and obeying its insidious ruling class, she has betrayed God, all Americans and herself.

Are you a patriot? Are you a traitor? The definitions are not gordian. They can be easily understood. Let me interview you for three minutes and I will accurately describe what category of political morality or political immorality that you belong to.

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