Sunday, November 23, 2014

Barry, The Wizard Of Oz

The Man is not tough. He is but a blustering bully. He is not tough, but, he knows political victory because we are so weak.

Pull back the curtain. Take away the micophone and special effects. He is but a small little man, groomed and well-presented to be biger than he is.

He is a dictator. He is a Marxist. He is mean, a shameless liar and a fraud. If 6,000,000 of we conservatives would storm Washington and flood Congress with angry but peaceful protester lobbying for his overthrow, we would be citizen heroes irresistible and obeyed.

We are powerful if we believe we are. We can take over the government if we know that we can. We order the Senators of both parties to censure and impeach. We demand his resignation or arrest, if it can be legally arranged.

To save this most precious constitutional republic, we must act now to depose this despot. We will loser our precious, special way of life, if we do not curb this monster addicted to growing his corrupt power by depriving us of liberty. Satan grows in his souls each day. So I ask dear Americans, why do we tolerate this creep? Let us act and get rid of him, since the cowardly wimps in Congress sit on their hands and take it--take his theft of their powers to legislate.

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