Wednesday, June 7, 2023

College Degree


Does carrying a college degree make you smarter, better, and wiser than someone with no degree? Most formally educated adults would say yes.


Well, if this was 80 years ago, and a classical liberal arts degree was attained by you, you would have learned how to think, and have gained real content, as well as expertise in some field.


Dennis Prager thinks formal education is woke indoctrination today, and that professors have less wisdom than any 6th grader in Jewish grade school.


The problems with formal college education are several. You are credentialed by an educational bureaucracy, and that makes you a bureaucrat, a stunted human being.


You are now among the elite in education, and Eric Hoffer disliked intellectuals because their education made them feel superior to others, as members of every ruling class in history, eager to rule and control the masses. This power addiction made them corrupt, tyrannical, unjust, and cruel.


Educated people run in tight packs of party and group faction against party and group faction, and that renders people ideological and prone to groupthink and intolerance of independent thought, rival schools of thought or alternative ways of thinking and questioning.


The only effective anecdote to these problems is to invite all people to maverize, become original, strong thinkers and imaginers, whether formally or informally educated, and then the average educated (even if self-educated informally) individuator-citizen will be smarter, better and wiser than before, but will not desire to harm or control anyone.

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