Saturday, June 10, 2023

Die Alone


The Father, Mother, Jesus, and the Good Spirits are individualists and individuators more than they are joiners, but they are joiners too.


In traditional generations of humans, to be an individualist—let alone a great soul—to decide to be a loner rather than a joiner was to live alone and die alone, and that lonely prospect scared most people back into the pack, willing to say, do and believe anything if they are allowed to remain, and gain some rank and power within the pack.


By threatening a young person with the scary prospect of living alone and dying alone, group leaders, owned by the Dark Couple, have thus successfully converted billions of lost souls to the dark side.


If one is ejected and isolated and marginalized, as I have been, then overall, one will live alone and die alone.


Still, if one becomes strong enough, at peace enough, close enough to the Divine Couple, and self-realizing as expected and ordered by the Good Spirits, then one should be able to handle living alone and dying alone.


As Mavellonialism catches on, it will get easier and better for loners and great-souls-in-the-making in years to come, a maverizer will live alone and part-time in groups, and die alone but in part ie with group comfort not withheld.

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