Sunday, June 18, 2023

Expert Rulers


Humans naturally are fatalistic, not industrious, adventurous and action-oriented. People will take the path of least resistance, and do what their pack does, and obey their rulers, no matter how unjust, foolish, and corrupt are the commands they bark at the little people.


People are actually more or less created equal, but some naturally are a bit smarter and much more energetic, so they end up with most of the marbles in the bag, and they end up as part of the elite ruling whatever polity they live and reside in.


The gullible, masochistic, slavery-loving masses accept their ruling elites as naturally superior and deserving to rule, and members of any elite soon deceive themselves and declare that they are superior to the masses, and it is their due and destiny to run things forever.


In America with the federal Leviathan and the Administrative, Deep State, we have veered far from our constitutional republican origins, now languishing as a social-capitalist democracy. We really are largely ruled by unelected, college-degreed specialists and experts, who feel it is their right, duty, and manifest destiny to run things here, to issue rules to run the lives of the people, who did not vote for these un-legislated rules, and even Congress is slighted in the process.


This ruling class of experts do not rule well, for they destroy everything they touch. Dennis Prager could give the reader the reasons why they rule so poorly, but they are destroying the country. It is unworkable and deeply immoral for any people to be ruled from the top-down. Tyranny does not work, as well as being expensive, draining, wasteful and cruel.


All societies should be governed from the bottom-up by the people in a constitutional republic with each adult an anarchist-individuating supercitizen.  These capitalists and powerful voters will run things right, but justly and fairly.


We must reach a point that a people are ruled from below by the people themselves, and they must make the final decisions. Only such government machinery and setup can be lean, strong, efficient, limited and out of the way of the citizen leading her life in pursuit of her happiness and liberty. Only then are the people free and prosperous and content, and that is close to heaven on earth, as the Good Spirits intended for us to achieve as our political system.

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