Monday, June 19, 2023

Corrupting Power


Yes, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yet, paradoxically, evil is mostly engendered by the individual’s moral failure to wield power. Paradoxically, power corrupts not because people have it, but because they mishandle it, use it unwisely, or refuse to be personal  moral leaders, asserting and demonstrating their right to wield (responsibly and ethically) their share of worldly and otherworldly power, their natural right to wield their share of power, especially  translated as the power to self-realize as a living angel working for the Good Spirits to spread God’s kingdom in this world and the next.


This moral use of power is referred to by me as the power of powerfulness, and the immoral use of power that breeds and strengthens evil and corruption is the centralized power of powerlessness, where the selfless, collectivized many have little personal power, and cede their natural share of universal power to a dictator, guru or demagogue who has absolute power in his sphere, totalitarian, cruel and absolute. These masses have no free will left and no say as the tyrant rules all and decides how all are to live and proceed in their groups, their hierarchies, their mass movements, and their class stems. His stealing their power and decision-making from them is the most dangerous happening in the world.

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