Sunday, June 11, 2023

Fireside Chat


 I would be a much wiser man if I would just follow every Dennis Prager video and Fireside Chat. With time constraints, and interest in my ow pursuits, that is not feasible, so this quick appraisal of his latest Fireside Chat will have to do for now.


He did a 6/8/2023 Fireside Chat: What Joy? Prepare For Pain.


Dennis notes that those that seek to avoid all pain, end up leading sterile lives, with much chance for adventure, growth, and happiness. One must take some risks, do things, and experience the joy and pain of living that accompany each adventure. Pain is unavoidable and can ennoble and uplift us.


I accept this, but think there is good pain, and senseless pain. There is also evil pain that we inflict upon others, the world and ourselves, and this misbehavior needs sharp curtailing.


Yes, feeling pain is inevitable but we do not want too much pain, and if we can be wise and sensible (do not drink two bottles of red wine so that one does not get so sick in the aftermath, for example), we can avoid needless pain.


And we should be grateful and optimistic, and love and create and work, so then the joy and pain that accompany these endeavors will bring us satisfaction, a sense of completion, and some happiness.


Dennis points out too that without wisdom, there is not goodness, because even a murderer has a conscience, but living without wisdom, he is able to feel good about himself, and live easy with his conscience.


Deniss urges that people have much wisdom so that they can learn what is okay to do and what is unacceptable, and then train their personal conscience to feel at ease with virtuous acts, and self-censuring over vicious or sinful acts.


He makes complete sense to me with these remarks about wisdom and conscience.

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