Sunday, July 2, 2023

Space Exploration


On June 30, 2023, I was reading a news announcement source online, on my phone called 1440.


This short article laid out how the European Space Agency launched the Euclid Space telescope that will create a cosmic map spanning space and time, and the telescope will record billions of galaxies over the next 6 years, according to 1440 and Orlando Channel 6 news reporting.


The telescope will probe the nature of dark energy and dark matter, which constitutes 95% of the universe but is poorly understood. Each of the billions of galaxies is populated by roughly 100 billion stars. If this is not the physical definition of infinity, it comes close to being so.


Considering our profound ignorance that requires answering by means of such a daunting task, it reminds me that we should be cautious about making sweeping, dogmatic generalizations about God, reality and what we know. Our very limited knowledge of the universe should render us hesitant to make anthropomorphic, over-assertions and totalistic statements.


Epistemological moderation would seem to be warranted in light of our scientific inabilities and limitations.

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