Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Miracle Rain


I know it is proverbial to repeat, but one does not know how good one has it, until privation makes one realizes how much one misses something, something that one had taken as automatic give one by God, nature, Fate, government or by one’s own effort.


Good health is the classical example. We do not appreciate this great blessing until we are sick, broken, disabled, perhaps terminally ill.


Having enough money and a little more is quite desirable, but good health is far more important. Do not throw it away with both hands because it shall leave you on its own, soon enough, at the end of your days when you are sick, dying and then die.


We have endured a terrible drought and much excessive heat this summer, and over a wide range of US, not just the Twin Cities.


It will be perhaps 97 degrees today, and close to 20 90-degree days so far this summer. I water one to two hours a day or every other day, trying to keep our flower and vegetable gardens alive, and it is a struggle.


Overnight, we go .95 hundredths of an inch of rain (the Mother’s gift to us), and this morning the entire yard, including yellow, dead patched of crunch grass are green almost instantaneously.


This thunderstorm gift is the most rain that we have received over the last 6 weeks, and it is heating up almost right away, but it shows how quickly nature turned green, seeking precious, life-giving rain.


It is a miracle rain, and nature’s quick if temporary recovery is a miracle to observe. Thank you Father, Mother, Jesus and the Good Spirits for this gift of moisture.


Climate alarmists and their fake news to the contrary, I pray that most people here and around the world, most of the time enjoy moist enough conditions so that animals, plants, humans (crops and farmers making a living), the ground water levels, the rivers, the lakes, the ponds that flourish. Amen.

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