Monday, July 17, 2023

White Nationalist


I just had a few minutes in traffic today to catch Dennis Prager on the radio. He was upset because a while back he and Charlie Kirk were banned from speaking on campus at some University in Arizona, and the official speaking for the campus justified banning and canceling them because Prager is a white nationalist.


Prager is a temperate, judicious man of God, not a racist, a white supremacist or a white nationalist. How can he be a Nazi when he is a very devout practicing Jew?


Prager is very conservative, but he is not racist or white supremacist but lying, smearing Leftists demonize anyone conservative and white as a white nationalist, a racist and a Christian nationalist.


Prager is on record as promoting sovereign individualism as the primary American value, and what race someone belongs too is of no significance, so how does that equate with being a white nationalist?


Prager dismissed these vile Leftists as liars. He characterizes them as lying all the time because truth is not a left-wing value.


He is so honest. He notes that liberals lie and conservatives lie, but they also tell the truth, but Leftist lie all the time, consciously and deliberately, or by spouting ideological garbage that is the Big Lie, swallowed by millions of gullible sheep.


I have thought for some time that his anger against and hostility towards Leftists, though fair and accurate, is really an accusatory opposition to fanatical ideologues and true believers. If Nazis or globalists or climate zealots were as powerful and numerous as are ill-intentioned, power-mad Leftists, Prager would put down these other radicals in similar language.


True believers mean no one any good and their fierce loyalty to spreading their cause all over the world is what makes them lie, terrorize and use violence against opponents and dissidents if they can get their way via these foul means, or not be arrested for such lawless behavior.

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