Monday, July 17, 2023

The Immoral Response


There is a classical immoral response, a knee-jerk temptation, often acted upon, guiding the behavior of cruel sinners, like those in European countries in the Middle Ages that would charge into the ghetto to harm, even kill Jews, scapegoating upon them, blaming them for some misfortune that occurred—Black Plague, a famine, a devastating fire that consumed a village, and so on.


A group and its individuals by themselves are not moral or civilized unless and until they no longer react to receiving bad news, sickness, even tragedy, without blaming someone external to the bad news, innocent of causing it, and yet blamed for its occurring.


We must receive bad news and live with it and react to it without finding someone to blame for it and any and all of our other problems. We must no longer seek someone to blame. Instead, we must weather the hard time as best we can, pick up the pieces and build towards a brighter tomorrow.

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