Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Ungrateful Immigrants


I work with immigrant workers, skilled and industrious, and some of these trades-worker families are making $100,000 to $200,000 per year, and yet they are Leftist and staunch Democrats. They view America as racist, and irredeemably corrupt. They regard Republicans and conservatives as the part of white racist and wealthy supremacists just conspiring in unity to preserve their privilege, power, and unwarranted level of wealth.


It used to be that immigrants from Europe were assimilated into the American republic with its English-speaking tongue, its unitary culture of many different racial and ethnic groups. The free-market system made them quite prosperous, and immune to Marxist, revolutionary rhetoric. They were deeply loyal, patriotic, and grateful for being assimilated into America, and many served in the armed forces and died for this greatest nation.


No more, immigrants now, many of them, in the first generations, are not grateful or being here, and they spurn our civil society, our culture, our political and economic structures.


The Left is skilled at many things, but they most wicked, and ingenious trick is to gaslight decent, law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans as deeply flawed, deeply prejudiced and without any moral compass at all,


This is another trick of the Left: they accuse Americans, conservatives and Republicans of all kind of vile motives and being of rotten character, but these slanderers, these haters, these defamers,, these gaslighters, these demonizers have three fingers point back at themselves, as they point a finger at whites and other conservative Americans, who have some flaws but mostly are decent, fair, kind and gentle people.


The ungrateful., first-generation immigrant of today is the direct result of being brainwashed by Leftist America-haters and the Big Lie is accepted and followed by millions of newcomers.

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