Thursday, July 20, 2023

Dave Rubin


I relistened to Dave Rubin’s 2017 Prager U video: Why I Left the Left.


Rubin used to be a Progressive when they were liberal, but now they are against freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of religion, and believed should be judged by their character, not the color of their skin. (This shows that Martin Luther King was a liberal and individualist, not a modern, Leftist Progressive and collectivist.).


Rubin left the Leftists, and refers to them as the Regressive Left, not a Progressive Left. I assume that Rubin is a moderate, modern liberal as well as a classical liberal.


They would no longer die for the right of someone they disagree with to keep that loud, contrary opinion. Progressives shout down those speech that they do not agree with, and insist on politically correct speech when free speech, radical free speech, where almost anything said goes, this allows individual freedom of thought and speech that would accompany being an anarchist-individuator supercitizen.


Government should not be involved in curbing free speech in the name of hate speech, even criminalizing dissenting speech.


We should judge no one based on their group affiliations, racial, political, or cultural. These group preferences and exclusions of ill-favored groups are pure, discriminatory bigotry, too in favor of favored groups as smarter, better and to be given special treatment, forgiven their crimes and misdeeds. A lesser, unjust standard of justice is meted out to the not-favored groups like whites, Christians, Jews, and heterosexuals. Such reverse discrimination is legal, social, and cultural.


Those least favored groups such as whites and Christians are considered corrupt, dumb, inferior and to be punished at work, under the legal system and in hiring and social circumstances.


The battle of ideas has been replaced by a battle of feelings; all opponents are accused of being racist, bigoted, corrupt, and unjust.


Outrage has replaced honesty.


Diversity of collective groups to rule in the future will rule over the dethroned but traditional American collective groups. America needs diversity of groups, the Left teaches, but not diversity of ideas.


We are moving away from a free society towards authoritarianism.


People need to be left alone to live as they want without government interference if they pay their taxes and are reasonably law-abiding—my additional comment.


THE collectivized LGBTQ crowd is overwhelmingly leftist, and it is one of the presented, intersectionalized minority groups touted as victimized, but they are not for gays (Rubin is a gay conservative, and he is shunned by the LGBTQ community.).


That Larry Elder and Clarence Thomas are shunned by many black indicates the traditional minority groups in America are fronts for a Marxist revolution soft so far, seeking to overturn America and set up an authoritarian leftist regime. Note that if these rights groups were really for the people they claimed to represent, they would champion them as individuals for the content of their character, not based upon group membership or the lack of it.


Marxist say we only have worth and substance as or identity as part of the group to which we belong, not for who we are as individuals, and that is antithetical to the whole American experience.


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