Monday, July 24, 2023

Doubling & Tripling Down


First, since the 60s, the Democrats and the Left, through Great Society, federal largesse, gave us millions of children, raised on welfare or government subsidies, often without a married father in the house to help teach the kids lawful, moral behavior, to work, to save, to build a future for themselves.


Fast forward to 2023 where Democrats and Leftists run most large American, where crime, filth and dysfunction are skyrocketing. The Progressives gave us these hellhole urban centers which are now ungovernable and decent people are fleeing the cities even the blue states.


Do these Leftists admit their lousy values and their failed policies? Never, they are smarter, and superior morally to traditional Americans so they just double and triple down on spreading their federalism, their failed policies, their welfare state, and lousy values.


To deceive oneself and the public this long, this consistently, for decade after decade requires true believer credulity to insist that a bad ideology should not be abandoned but extended over all red states.


Then the failed value system of the Left, led its thinkers to conclude that the teenage children of these failed inner city families without a father, that it was not their fault, the families fault, or the child-criminals fault that the children were ending up often dead due to gun violence, or imprisoned. These youngsters, often male and black, were being incarcerated at higher rates and whites so the Progressive geniuses came up with another answer: do not prosecute the criminals for minor even felony level crimes, because these poor 200-pound babies have led a rough lives—many have—so they deserve the pass and then crime and unlivability in the city escalates and proliferates.


Leftist never blame the individual criminal for his misbehavior, it is the fault of white oppressors groups and the like, or it is the availability of guns, so let us register and then confiscate all guns from all Americans including the law-abiding and that will keep the criminals form getting guns and doing nasty things. After all, illegal guns are not on the street for sale, are they?


Progressive solution: Wiping out the second amendments and allowing future, weaponized state and federal police to go after all dissidents now disarmed and at the mercy of thugs legally enforcing the will of the coming communist dictatorship, but, hey, crime is still rampant in the inner city.


For 200 years, in settled communities, people, often kids handle guns and gun violence was rare. When children are raised with a Dad, love and the Bible, their Judeo-Christian values make it very unlikely for them to use guns because they were terrorists, criminals or crazy. This teaches us that immoral teenagers, not gun availability is why guns are abused today.


Leftists lie all the time and lie number one is that the individual criminal is not responsible for his behavior, and lie # 2 is that guns kill people. No people without moral self-restraint kill people and may use a gun to do the nasty deed.


Real, conservative, God-based solutions: One, teach kids morals and about the Bible again, from their dad especially. Two, teach them to be individuals that self-realize and give their talents to God, and their self-control will make violent crime a rare thing in the future. Third, violent felons with guns that repeatedly offend or carry illegal guns should be locked away for 10 year for each offense, and all of these will make America livable again, not taking guns away from all Americans.

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