Friday, July 21, 2023




Being an ontological, epistemological, political, moral, spiritual and intellectual moderate is who I am and it is hard to explain—yet these perspectives color everything I write and think, and I contradict myself all the time, as a well-intentioned, smart dialetheist must do.


For example, I credit the great Eric Hoffer with warning Americans all through the middle to late 20th century to fear intellectuals due to their corrupting addiction to power, their inflated sense of their own importance, their sincere acceptance that, as part of the ruling class in any social order, it is their divine right, obligation and destiny to rule the masses and run their lives, doing their thinking for them.


The literate class, the expert class, the formally educated and degreed/credential class have ruled or help rule the masses in most every half-civilized country for the last 3500 years. Their elite status renders them cruel, stupid, arrogant, sadistic and without mercy for the masses they claim to care for.


Hoffer is now forgotten, but one of his primary, heroic warnings—to protect noble American culture and political system traditionally run by the masses for the masses from the bottom up in this free market constitutional republic—have been heeded and accepted by millions of conservatives across the country, and that heightened awareness may yet save this country from collapsing into the Postmodernist-Marxist totalitarian hell that the Democrats and Leftists eagerly conspire to inflict upon the American people.


The millions of college-educated members of the ruling class (running the public institutions on all levels of government), lawyers, doctors, pastors, psychotherapists, teachers, professors, actors, journalists are experts in their fields, and they know it and believe it.


They believe that group-working, group-living, non-individuating experts, and intellectuals, with college degrees, are just naturally destined to rule the naughty, helpless little people. That these educated fools and thugs, with their groupthink, their mean spirit, their power-lust, their complete immersion, and conformity to the socialist ideology that they revere with its one-dimensional, ‘perfect”, answers to any problems that come up, their existence as cogs in the machine in various institutional hierarchies, their arrogant acceptance glibly assume that they have the right approach. These uninspired, dull thinkers, in their yet nonviolent phase of pushing their Progressive mass movement down the throats of the American people, with their federally allotted solutions for local problems, their one size fits all plan for running the country from Washington, DC, they are bringing the Ameritopian nightmare to us.


We have to work on Hoffer’s masses, one person a time, who of their own free will, agree to man up and become anarchist-individuator supercitizens that will make America great again from the bottom up to fight the ruling class cult of expert rule by functionaries. May they succeed: it is a heavy lift and time is short.


Now I contradict myself: experts are experts and should be heeded, but not obeyed. The amateur but bright, independent masses, organized among themselves with their clear, united agenda for running the country well and right-these millions of individuators-anarchist supercitizens will heed experts but not let them run and destroy things any longer.


Hoffer noted 60 years ago that the intellectuals should be pampered and petted but never allowed to run things: they crave power deeply and that is bad for them and even worse for the masses whenever intellectual take the reigns of government and run the  cultural institutions.

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