Monday, November 3, 2014


Being a man of deep Gaelic background, I am aware of the Druids and their connections to Halloween. if the idea is to remember the dead, and pray for the souls of the departed, then I am happified by the celebration of this holiday.

If it is strictly fun and secular with people just having a good time, dressing up in weird costumes and going trick or treating, that is fine and pleasurable. People need to blow off a little steam.

If the celebration takes a sinister turn, with the summoning and communing the evil spirits and demons, that devil worship is strictly forbidden. Well-meaning people should avoid those engaging in these horrifying practices.

Life is difficult enough without summoning demons to walk the earth at night, or to party with them. We need to leave well enough alone. We need instead to talk to God and the Good Spirits.  That is where our attention must remain situated.

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