Thursday, January 24, 2019

Appeal To Libertarians

Appealing to Third Party Independents and Libertarians on Facebook: you sound like a smart guy with lots of worldly and soldierly experience. I see America as precious and about as good as it can get, despite imperfections and minor evils at work here at home. You see America dominated by the rich, Big Money and the military industrial complex. You see America as a world bully, deeply unjust, hopelessly corrupt and the most vicious nation now on earth. This view, if typically Libertarian, is a very Leftist negative view of America, as well as deeply incorrect. Your polytheism is similar to my own as a conservative Unitarian-Universalist. You sense injustice, evil, cruelty and needless suffering all around you. You are right that those things are occurring, though we disagree about how it is happening what are its sources and what are its solutions. I write about populating America with men and women that are supermen and superwomen, as individuating anarchists and active supercitizens that run the government on all levels. Such a juggernaut of grassroots reform from the ground up is, I believe, our best way to take back the government from elites on the Left and Right, that pretend to vie with each other, but really are in bed together. Their real enemies are the bourgeois public, the masses, the common people. We can only trust ourselves. We can only rely on ourselves. But, if we unite and take back our natural rights, our constitutional republic, and demand and compel elites, politicians and bureaucrats to do our bidding, governing us with and only with our consent, corrupt, declining America careering towards Ameritopia-land, can be reversed and saved. If not saved, at least, like that ancient Republican hero, Cicero, that was murdered by the Emperor, we did our best, and, that, Rimond, is our civil duty, our moral duty, and our spiritual obligation. Why do you not take shrewd worldliness, your deep skepticism about the system, your outrage and your disillusionment, and join Levin, me the Tea Party and solid originalist conservatives and take back America from the destructive Leftists, and work to make America great again? There may be a way for conservatives and Libertarians of good faith, good will and honorable intentions to find areas to work together politically, while agreeing to disagree in other areas. These two conservative aspects of our political spectrum need to come together and work together, for the sake of the country, because the hour is very late.

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