Sunday, January 27, 2019

Civil Society

To have a civil society, going forward in political America made great again, we insist that citizens be engaged in civil and political activities, constantly. Things are required for citizens to have clout and run things. First, they must be well-educated. Second, they must love America, its institutions and customs. Third, they must demand that local, state and national government only pass laws for the safety and security of people. Laws are to pass these litmus tests: What do they cost? When do they expire? Do these laws legislated increase or maintain individual liberty or do they increase tyranny and big government?

Fourth, we must encourage citizens to self-actualize and grow into supermen and superwomen that are also supercitizens. Try and bully, intimidate or coerce 300 million supercitizens reject tyranny in all its forms: theocracy, Big Government, Deep State bullies, monarchy, oligarchy, plutocracy or mobocracy.

Fifth, the people need to worship Good Deities, most of them anyway. Only God can save us by direct intervention, our by guiding us to be wise citizens fending for ourselves. God also wants separation of church and state for two reason: to keep the state from dominating religion, or to prevent a faith from running the secular government and dictating that all citizens worship this faith or else. And to keep church and state separate, distinct entities because power decentralized protects the republic, and power centralized advances the cause of tyranny. Checks and balances in government must be maintained as anticipated and structurally constructed by our wise Founding Fathers.

Sixth, a virtuous people are good supercitizens. A virtuous people are honest and loathe and punish any corruption practiced by public officials. A virtuous people craft a platform, promote politicians that pledge to implement the platform, and hold elected officials to their promises. A virtuous people neither accepts bribes, flattery, lies or distractions from politicians. Nor do they demand bribes, government favors, subsidies.

Seventh, as individuated citizens live as lawful, anarchist/individuators, they do as much as they can for themselves and their neighbors, settling disputes peacefully, and doing some things locally to keep the government small, within its constitutional constraints, well run and living within its means.

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