Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hooray For Western Civilzation

Why do we need Western Civilization? It is generated by whites, Christians and Europeans so it is racist and inherently corrupt?

I refute this lie this accusation. For whatever reason biologically, climatologically or culturally it is the white peoples of the world (the Russians to the contrary) that are the most individualistic. Being individualistic makes one smarter and superior, and that is what makes Western Civilization a most worthy cultural heritage to incorporate and study.

People everywhere can keep their native cultures, but appropriating large swathes of Western ways is wise and helpful.The values of the West must be preserved and celebrated.

People as collectivists and groupist first are dumber, inferior and more corrupt than are rational, individuating isolated individualists.

It is the individualism, however stunted and repressed even in the West, that made Western Civilization as great as it is. Imagine what unleashed individualism will bring us in the future?

Again whites are not superior to any other race or ethnic group, but if white become individualized, so can other peoples, to the benefit of all humankind.

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