Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Blend We Need

Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government.

We need our constitutional republic restored with its emphasis on freedom of individuals: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the unfettered right to keep and bear arms, open and unregulated traditional and social media, free markets, limited government. We also need the right to assemble and disassemble as we see fit without government surveillance, interference or rogue prosecutors weaponizing federal and local police to target, arrest and jail dissidents.

From the strains of civic humanism that did influence our founding, we need to assert republican form of government with representatives to govern us with the consent of the governed, the voters so that popular sovereignty. The people need to have the say.

Worldly and secular the government must remain with separation of church and state with no state religion and no state religion of secularism or Leftism or Environmentalism dictating to the faithful how to live and express their faith, deciding who they must bake a cake for or not.

We are for liberty, not for public tyranny by judicial oligarchs, bureaucratic elites, Imperial/monarchical Presidents, or rule by Congress where direct vote authoritarianism (mob or majoritarian) is inflicted on the country, like the Democrats have already done in California and Illinois. If Chuck and Nancy prevail over Trump, and maybe they already have, then we will start off as a soft federal tyranny, and the Progressive fanatics in power and unopposed, will give into their radical fringe, and grab all power, all natural rights, and end all private lives for business and citizens, introducing us to hardcore Soviet style totalitarianism. The is where Ocasio-Cortez on the Left is leading us to.

Prager says those on the Left destroy all they touch. True. He says they hurl hateful, false names at all opponents as they use the exaggerated language of identity politics, fake outrage and phony assumed compassion to rationalize their true and only aim--to take total control of America and rule unopposed. Raw power is their drug. They are addicted and can never get enough.

Prager claims they will not argue with him and the Right because they have no ideas, so can win no debates. He is correct, but a clarification must be made. Liberals have some or many good ideas, but the Left has few or none.

But the Left has many bad ideas which they love.

 They are fanatics, firmly convinced of the superiority of their modern, scientific cause. These true believers promote socialism and Marxism and collectivized government, command and control economics and no individual-living for private citizens. All must run in packs.

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