Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Demilitarizing America

Libertarians do not demilitarize America: You are pretty witty with the smart aleck remarks. It almost moves me to tears. I explained to you about my and not being a vet. Always the ad hominem,insulting remarks to shut down debate, another hallmark Leftist thrust. Leftist vets try to silence conservatives and taxpayers like me, just like the marcher at the anti-abortion rally in Washington to other day screamed that men do not have a uterus so they have no right to speak, just like sexual harassment experts offer that men have no right to opinions concerning guilt and innocence of accused men. You, like your buddy Rimond, see America as the evil imperialist nation starting wars and ruling the world to keep its colonies subservient and riches pouring home. Your arguments on the military, on war, on foreign affairs have been hurled at us by Marxist and other domestic fifth columnists from the 1930s forward. They were wrong then and you are wrong now. Your cowardly retreat from being active in the world will not bring peace or security to America. Humans are warlike creatures and foreign thugs that sense weakness, pacifism and appeasement of gentle snowflake Americans like you will eat you for breakfast. Yes, war is hell (yes, I have not been in one) and thank any vets among you for your service and sacrifice, but we must defend ourselves and our allies here and around the world. That is our responsible, sane foreign policy. Wishing that all everywhere just have high-self-esteem, just learned to get along, and, gosh, just coexist will only bring hellfire, death and misery down upon our country. So you want us baby boomers dead so you geniuses, even more lazy, selfish, and entitled that we were, can run things well. Once your Ameritopia, your statist dictatorship, is installed in Washington, and we boomers are dead, maybe you will reflect and decide that you were not as sharp as you arrogantly convinced yourselves that you were. We did leave you a mess. But demilitarizing our nation was not one of our mistakes. I speak and write because I care, not because I want to destroy anything. I hope you young people with all the answers run things better, but from where I sit, I am not impressed in the least.

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