Thursday, January 31, 2019

First Authority

I have been auditing courses from Hillsdale College, including one on the Constitution. It could Larry Arnn was the lecturer that announced the following, that mentioned that the body of natural law, God's Constitution, if I may so suggest) the General Rule or First Authority is God's crafted laws of nature, proclaimed by nature's God.

 God is three government functions in one. God the Creator and Supreme Judge of of the World. God as Law-Maker is the Divine Legislature, and God as Divine Providence is the Executive Branch.

Arnn holds that God was and is all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful, thereby being able to be President, Supreme Court and Legislator, all in one, without being corrupted by such totally centralized power.

Humans, being half beast and half angel, being basically evil, cannot withstand being corrupt by utterly centralized power. The Founders new this profound moral, existential and psychological truth. This is why they separated the three government functions for decentralized power is the only way to keep government small, honest and a safeguard to protect and guarantee the citizens rights, safety, liberty, live and property, without turning on the people and becoming their despotic overlords.

Centralized power always corrupts the government, its officials, and the people. Corrupt bloated government always turns on the people and shackles them, exploits and oppresses them. This the Founding Father knew, and the Constitution, now dismissed as an antique, irrelevant relic, by the Left, was set up to protect the people, and to protect the people against their protector the government.

We have veered quite far from the Constitutional Republic, and tyranny and socialism are now in the offing.

In conclusion,  a being is mostly good, or morally neutral, or all good or very good innately or by accomplishment, then he will not be tempted or corrupted to abuse his amassed power. God or the Good Spirits would be so incorruptible, but frail, weak, fallen humans, still in need of government, require checks and balances, to keep humans from inevitably falling prey to the temptation to acquire power to themselves, by yoking those around them. That is the genius of the Founding Fathers. They realized that the relationship between wicked human nature and its propensity to abuse power and others once that power is amassed makes it imperative that needed federal government be set up in ways that allow various and vying branches of government to work together and then cancel each other out.

A constitutional republic keeps power good, decentralized and individualistic and wholesome. Tyrannical systems of government are hollowed out and tainted immeasurably by concentrated power. It is dangerous, ineffective, cruel, wasteful. It reduces people to being collectivized joiners, wards of the state, its constituent hierarchies and its amassed groups.

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