Sunday, November 5, 2023

A Free Will


When I say a free will is a good will it mean either I am talking self-contradictory nonsense, or I have better put up an explanation right away, and it is the latter that I shall provide.


When a person is young, say 22 years old her, free will is how she decides to behave and what direction she will take life towards. Her adult but still evolving free will means, with each choice, she can choose to behave well or badly, to do good or evil.


Now I come along and say a free will is a good will. The specific act can be good or evil, but the free willing will become increasingly good or evil, over time, as she habitually tends to choose good acts over evil act, or vice versa. If she is a decent, average, Christian woman, and mother, and she group-lives and does not individuate, she will spend her life morally plateaued with a mildly good will that is a mildly free will. That pattern applies to 90% of adults.


Were she to step it up considerably, to now individual-live and maverize, then her choices for acts would increasingly be good choices, and her free will would be even freer and better, now that her character is very good and very free, so, at this point her free will is a good will. She can still choose to sin and will, but, ordinarily her offenses will be uncommon and of slight importance when she does sin.


The average person, a pleasant, average, altruistic nonindividuator, exists with some minimal awakeness and rational consciousness for humans and his free will is mildly free and mildly good.


There are negative great souls like Satan that freely choose to sin all the time with a thoroughly bad if free will, but they are the exceptions.


Regular, altruistic, group-living, nonindividuating people of bad character, freely sinning all the time so that their will is rather bad and unfree, enslaved to sin, are following, and obeying evil spirits as they choose to do good less and less. They are bound to the dark forces that they are addicted to.

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