Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Why Altruism?


Why Altruism? First, of all we are herd creatures, so we prefer to group-live, not individual-live. If we like what we are and do naturally, we then seek to justify it as the morally superior way to live, even though it is not.


Second, we are psychological altruists, which means we prefer group-living. Since altruism is hate and evil, and we are born mostly evil, we gravitate to altruistic morality, and claim that it is morally superior.


Third, some altruism is noble—sharing, self-sacrifice, caring for the group’s needs and welfare, searching for the common good, so these are positive reasons for promoting altruism.


Where altruism turns sour and deadly is our selfless group devotion drives us to conform to any expectation or command from the government or group, and collective or federal evil is far and away the most vicious and widespread.


Altruist willingness by most people to obey orders from the pack and from public authorities.

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