Sunday, November 5, 2023

Successful Minorities


Jordan Peterson was interviewed recently by Piers Morgan (10/23?) about the conflict in Israel, and its war with Hamas. Peterson, the brilliant psychologist, noted that the Muslim-Jew story revolves around jealousy and hostility against Jews by the Muslims. It is tempting for collectivist peoples to riot and commit crimes against humanity against any minority in their midst, and if it is a successful minority like Jews, then it is doubly tempting for the resentful and envious to seek to attack and kill them.


Peterson noted ingeniously, and I have never heard anyone else make this point, that a sign of moral health of a people is their ability to reign in their resentment against minorities in their midst, and, by extension I would add successful minorities like Jews and individual great souls.


If people move away from groupism and envious altruist-collectivist ethics, where people feel that the majority has a moral right to interfere in the lives of other people, to deprive them of freedom, and to control them, then resentment dries up.


If people become capitalist individuators and supercitizens in a free society, then all are minorities of one, individualists, so resentment against minorities is minimalized or disappears.

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