Sunday, November 5, 2023

How Made


God the Father and God the Mother are geniuses—that should be obvious but the obvious is often over-looked by humans when they seek to understand and forge workable solutions to problems.


One might ask why the good deities like Jesus made people basically evil, whether that means 60% evil, 55% evil, or 50% evil. One then, after pondering a bit, complain how unfair it is that the creator of humans made them born sin-mongers, and then holds them accountable for sinning of their own free will. Is that also not a contradiction to stack the deck against people, and then punish them for being what they cannot help being? This would be a fair criticism if Jesus and the others had done this, but that is not what happened.


A will has to be at least 50% evil or a bit more than 50% evil to be a free will. If the will was more than 50% good, then humans would be good due to their nature, not to their being free to choose what to be and how to act. They would be good robots, but robots, nonetheless.


Good robots versus evil robots are like the sun and the rain taking turns being the climate of the day in any valley, and the opposing forces may be good and evil, but there is no choice, no living, no real moral gain attained, no meaningful expansion of the kingdom of God on earth and elsewhere.


The world of God expands productively and with forces of magnitude more when an intelligent species exercises real, free will, and work their tails off to be good and win over territory for God and the Good Spirits.


With these presuppositions established, it is not hard to envision that a free will in a human must be more 50% or more intrinsically bad, but still 48% good so the clash of opposites in the soul of an intelligent thinker allows her to choose how she will live, and the choice is hard to make and hard to do, but it is a battle that she can and will live if she stays at it. She has made the decision to serve the Light Couple, and not the Dark Couple, and warm will be her reception in heaven when the time comes.


In a real sense and in a weird way, being born depraved is a blessing for suffering humans, if they can rally with egoist values and a desire to serve the Good Spirits.


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