Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Primitive Ethics


For the last 78 years, we have been living in the Age of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Spiritual and tangible evil are now out in the open, existent, growing, widespread in our world as various rogue nations and the holy causes they serve, vie with the West and the free peoples of the world. We want trade, coexistence, and peace, but they are empire-building, dedicated to grasping world control and domination. If I may insert a trope, they can play the game of “chicken” with their hot rods, and their teenage hormones racing, once too often.


They either are willing to risk or launch a nuclear holocaust to gain the upper hand, or they will stumble into nuclear Armageddon by sheer clumsiness, miscalculation and underestimating their opponents.


If we get through it will be due to God’s intervention directly or indirectly, for we cannot get it together in time, on our own. I am roughly at peace with this: if we are all meant to die, it will be God’s will. If we make it, it was God’s plan unfolding. We will not make it without divine assistance.


 For we humans are holding ourselves back, allowing ourselves to be governed by such an unworkable, destructive, crude, primitive ethical code (altruism-collectivism). This ancient, instinctive ethical code got us this far, but it is longer sufficient to guide humans into a fast-changing, fast-approaching future. What is tragic is that humans on their own have not the 400 years required to learn to be civilized and live together as anarchist-individuator supercitizens guided personally, communally, nationally, and internationally, by the egoist-individual ethos.


 In 400 years, we could become civilized and set up a worldwide confederation of nations or independent self-governing territories that run along the lines of anarchist-individuator supercitizens running their own lives in their free market constitutional republics—or if  a people’s preferred substitute political arrangement was tribal, or Islamic, or socialist, Amish-style agrarian communalism, a theocracy or prime minister system with a king--it does not matter too much as long as liberty and free markets are strongly into political and socioeconomic mix, and egoist-individualism is the ethos of the population.


I hope I am humans have a chance to modernize their ethos before it is too late, but the hour is very late right now.

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