Friday, November 7, 2014

Eric Frein

Frein was a loner, it would seem. He was keeping a journal, He is a coward that shoots cops from ambush.

It may be presumptuous to speculate, because some loners would still do great evil of their own free will, even if Mavellonialist training was introduced to them as a positive outlet for their anger, despair, loneliness and desperation.

It is realistic to assumed that most loners, if caught early enough, if introduced to Mavellonialist principles, would mostly grow into self-actualizers, productive, brilliant, law-abiding and contributing to society.

Once they are allowed to join any group and leave any group, and go in and out as they choose without negative repercussions, the society that made Eric Frein will make a lot fewer of his mad dog kind. If society provides them with an outlet for their anger, these sick and sickening attacks on society will go way down.

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