Saturday, January 12, 2019

Prager Nails It

The wise Prager noted on the radio last week that what makes America unique is its traditional emphasis upon and insistence upon limited government. That is a view that no other nation inthe world advocates.

For this remarkable culture of limited government, and big free markets and lots of liberty for individual citizens, this heritage must be preserved, protected, saved, resurrected and exported culturally to the rest of the world.

Their invading, illegal immigrants come from tyranny, big government and socialist economies with groupist tribal peoples. These people are not inferior, but the cultures they bring with them are mostly inferior, and that, under Leftist relativism and destructive multiculturalism, pushes them to join the Democrats in destroying America, the American Way and our free market economy.

For this reason, the wall must go up, and no more immigrants, legal or illegal, must be allowed to come in. Those here illegally must be deported, or never, never be granted a pathway to citizenship. Neither they or the Democratic Party must be rewarded for flouting our federal laws.

We must wall off America until we restore our free market, constitutional republic with much reduced federal government, and majority conservative and Republican majorities across the country. Once we conservatives and Mavellonialists regain the upper hand, then the borders can be opened a little, resuming modest amounts of immigration, legally conducted.

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