Wednesday, November 1, 2023

God's Pronoun


I believe that Fate or the One is the Ultimate Deity of the universe. One could give Fate the pronoun of It, but I do not like calling any deity It, it seems denigrating, so I refer to Fate as Fe for Fe’s pronoun. I do not pray to Fate. Fate just is and is not; Fate is all.


I believe that there is a Divine Couple, the Mother and the Father, that respectively can be referred to as she or he, and elsewhere I refer to these ultimate good deities as De as a generic pronoun for either the Mother or the Father, but can be easily replaced by their respective gender pronouns aforementioned.


I refer to Satan and his wife, Lera, as the Dark Couple, though I do not pray to them, and seek to oppose them in all that they plan or do on earth. His pronouns are Sa or he, and her pronouns are she or Le.


The good angels I refer to as the Good Spirits, and they are he and she. The bad angels I refer to as the Evil Spirits, and they are he and she.


Dennis Prager narrated a Prager U video on 5/6/2019, entitled Why God Is A He. I took notes on the video and will comment on them.


Prager: “People criticize the Bible for depicting God in male terms, describing God as He.”


My response: Leftists and feminists do not like Father Sky gods and their masculine pronouns.


Prager: “God so refers to himself to create a kinder, less violent, more just world. God of the Bible is neither male nor female but transcends gender.”


My response: No, I think gender assignation for each of the good divinities is an integral, inseparable part of their identities that we much call out and embrace, if we wish to converse and commune with them. Still, Dennis has a point that the nature of divinities transcend human comprehension, and applies to their gender self-identification process too.


I believe we are made in the good divinities greatness and likeness, so if we have binary identity, so do they, and if we are to imitate their greatness, we are to self-realize also.


Even if we disagree about the gender and pronouns of the good deities, we must never go to war over such theological disputes, against other believers that disagree with us.


Prager: “Why is God depicted in the Bible in male terms? God there could be he or she, but not It—rule this out for there is no neuter nouns in Hebrew. The biblical God is a personal God to whom we can relate and must relate. We cannot relate to or love an It.


The masculine noun for God is used in the Hebrew Bible, for three reasons:

1.     To make a good world

2.     Making good people

3.     The people who commit nearly all the world’s violence are men. It in men’s and women’s best interest that Yahweh is He to keep young men from doing great harm.”


My response: I agree that young men need civilizing and a Father God and a biological father helps bring them into line.


Prager: “Boys have wild impulses to control, and need a father to socialize them so murder, rape, theft, and child abuse do not overwhelm the world. God is depicted in masculine terms, so boys obey God more than God as a female. God the Father is the law-giver and the rule-giver that serves as an authoritative figure in the lives of fatherless boys.


God is the source of moral commands You may not like the masculine God, but society goes to ruin without it. Boys must be civilized into good men to succeed. They need a male rule-giver and a male role model.


Yahweh is merciful, compassionate, caring for the poor and the widow. God is a role model for all humans, especially males.


If God is depicted as Female, then the generous traits mentioned above are considered feminine not masculine like there are with Yahweh the male.


God the Father is strong, even a warrior, and yet the boys will follow His lead because he is also kind, merciful, loves justice and cares for the widow and the poor—masculine traits to be emulated.


Girls need role models too and they too will obey a male role model. Mayhem and violence are a male thing. Girls do need female role models but not to avoid violence. Girls and women will suffer most if is male role models are absent for them to emulate.”


My response: I like that the Divine Couple provides both girls and boys with positive gender role models.



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