Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Other Way Around

11-5-2014: Doug Giles has an Internet article in his girls Just Want To Have Guns titled something like the GOP taking over Congress is Obama's worst nightmare. If that is so, and it probably is, that is just fine with we conservatives.

Obama is America's worst nightmare. He has used his genius, his iron will, his dissembling, his industry and unfazed focus to gut the righteous, holy, God-honoring, righteous, liberating American Way.

He works for Satan and introducing Stalinism and Satan's way are the gifts that Obama has introduced to America. He fiercely yearns to complete his journey, to make the damage inflicted permanent and total.

It will take all of us to stop his assault on this greatest nation. It will take a decade to reverse what he and the Left has wrought, so we need a conservative Congress now, a Reagan-like President in 2016, and 85 million individuating Tea Partyers to make the anti-Obama rally a permanent affront to him and his master Satan.


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