Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today is the anniversary of that hellish day 13 years ago. With open borders and a weak war-time President--we need Obama to send in 10,000 Marines, newly equipped and newly funded, to wipe out ISIS to the last man in Syria. Anything else is just macho bluster.

With the dramatic, wrenching, fast-paced transitions that the flow of history has cumbered us with here, early in the 21st century, all the traditional faiths are under attack. They must adapt, modernize, hybridize themselves or wither away into irrelevant, historic dust.

Islam is no exception to this pressure. This barbaric, savage, fanatical, martial faith is enjoying a resurgence (Old faiths incite their followers to ardent, militant fervency until at last it modernizes or dies. It is rather a last hurrah before they perish.).

Islam inevitably will grow into a deadly mass movement with acts of terror, invasion and open warfare against Israel, America and the West. 9/11 was but a foreshadowing of what is to come.

In an era of weapons of mass destruction, the world well might not survive the nihilism of these theocratic true believers.

We might as well fight them hard, with full force and will, now before they are fully armed and organized. We must invade them, smash them, and hold their militant countries in martial law for 200 years if necessary until their weird, fanatical faith is modernized, pacified and hybridized.

Rarely have a people of Satan had such blood lust and absolute craving for destruction and death.  Will the world survive the attacks from Islam? Who knows?

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