Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hannity On War

His remark on talk radio about politicians politicizing war really caught my attention.

This abuse and mishandling the use of waging war goes to the heart of how not wage war and run our republic.

First, boots on the ground are to be avoided if at all possible, but as the world's cop, we have an international, interventionist obligation to put boots on the ground repeatedly until NATO and Japan, Brazil and India give us 500,000 troops to work with us in a coalition of moderate nations out to nation-build and prevent those seeking military world domination like radical Islam, or empire-builders like China and Russia from using war to conquer the world.

We need 50,000 troops in Syria and Western Iraq right now to kill every ISIS bastard and restore order there and kill off the caliphate.

We need to put 100,000 troops in Gaza and disarm Hamas. Israel is to be kept safe at all costs, even if it requires world war and nuking one billion Muslims to keep them from touching Israel, If they want to die, let us give them their wish, but, instead, we urge them to civilize themselves, accept my faith and values, to modernize, give up unholy war, and leave Israel alone.

We need super-citizens and statesman politicians here that say what they mean and mean what they say. The Conservatives and Tea party are our saviors from the grass roots up to get there. Nothing else is a serious effort to get it right, and cease politicizing war.

We need a Congress and President that put troops in Palestine, Syria in Kurdistan and Ukraine for 75 years to back off the cruel Russians and the mad Islamists. It will cost us billions and dead soldiers. We will kill babies and civilians as collateral damage, but that is how war is waged, but we will keep it to a minimum.

We allow civilian politicians to be in charge of the military, but allow the generals and admirals to conduct the war to win. We go in to win. and we win, and use what force is necessary to win. We hold what we took and never give it back or up until democracy, capitalism, religious calmness and a peaceful way of life prevents our loss of money and soldiers from being a waste.

This is how we do not politicize war and the military. Obama intentionally is our worst Commander-In-Chief ever. He refuses to be a decisive, effective war-leader for that makes him a traditional President protecting and prolonging traditional America, the one political edifice that he is sworn to devastate and degrade.

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